Stunning Vintage Tables Are Waiting to be Discovered!
This is your Treasure Guide to Vintage Pool Tables by Brunswick, the undisputed worldwide leader.
Brunswick, established in 1845, was the world’s premium pool table brand, known for exceedingly high quality tables. Early on, the company was known as Brunswick Balke Collender.
Have you ever wondered what styles of vintage tables are actually for sale out there? Well, with a bit of time and a few connections, it IS possible to find a gorgeously restored antique table!
If you’re diligent, and possibly a little lucky, you may find one of Brunswick’s vintage beauties.
Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of them – we’ve seen just about every pool table model, at every stage of restoration – because restoring old tables is how we got our start. The Gilchrist family has been in business in this industry since 1953!
Over 130 different Brunswick Billiard Table models have been handed down through generations,
with only slight changes in wood, finish, inlay and detailing.

Let’s jump right in and answer one of your first questions…
You’ve either got an antique table and you want to know what it’s worth,
OR you’re dreaming of owning one and you’re looking for pricing, is that right?
Well, if that nailed it, read on…
What are some current values and prices of Antique Pool Tables?
The value of a vintage Brunswick varies greatly. Especially if it’s made of exquisite wood with inlays, and features elaborate decorative details, the value depends greatly on a few other variables.
What is a Brunswick Antique Table Worth?
How much money you’ll pay for a vintage table is determined by several key factors:
- The manufacturer brand and model of the table – and level of intricate workmanship
- The table’s current condition and need for restoration work
- The current owner’s need to sell – Yes, they’re likely negotiable!
- The cost of transporting it to your location.
Many auction houses sell vintage billiard tables, like any vintage painting, piece of furniture, collectible automobile, or any other collectable item.
On our website, you can check out our Antique Pool Tables.
If we don’t have the model you want in stock, just give us a call – ask for Glen.
It’s possible that the model you want, or a similar model, is in our queue to be refurbished.
And if not, we can keep our eyes open – and check around, if you want to locate one quickly.
Antique Tables – Fun at Home for the Entire Family
Instead of visiting a local bar or pub, you can have fun inviting friends into your home for libations and a game of pool. For your home use, you can pick any table you like, whereas you will never see stunning tables such as the Brunswick Balke Collender in a bar.
Owning your own vintage table can be a very rewarding step for any homeowner. The pool table, as well as your favorite accessories, will not only help you unwind, but it also will provide quality entertainment for your guests for a lifetime.

Since Brunswick has manufactured billiard tables for over a hundred years, many of their exquisite tables now occupy elegant homes, museums, and collections all over the world! It’s truly a prized possession that is willed down through the generations.
Setting Up Your New Table
Enjoying your antique table ideally starts with creating a specific billiards or game room, where you can enjoy the perfect ambience for playing the game. If you don’t have the space for a separate pool room, you can place the table in the dining room or perhaps in a common area such as a den or family room.
Pool tables vary in size and design, which allows selecting the best table to suit your lifestyle and the style of your home. In order to select the right size table and set it up to optimize the playing area, you’ll want to read our article, Pool Table Room Sizes and Room Dimensions and follow the guide to set up a comfortable playing area.
General Rule of ThumbThe pool table room size you need is: 1.) The length of the pool table PLUS two times the length of the cue, and 2.) The width of the pool table PLUS 2 times the length of the cue. (Standard 2 piece cues measure 58 inches long, some are shorter.) |
In addition to the table, you can equip your pool room with stylish game room-related furniture and accessories such as cues, cue racks, pool table lights, bar stools, antique-looking posters, signs and chalkboards – or anything you’ve seen in a pub or bar around the pool table.
A comfortable and well-coordinated pool table room will certainly enhance the value of your property.
Playing on Your Prized Vintage Table
For your family’s enjoyment, learn some of the hundreds of different games of pool. Some of the more well-known versions include:
- eight-ball – and the variant blackball
- nine-ball with variants ten-ball and seven-ball
- straight pool
- one-pocket
- bank pool
(Courtesy of
In this fast-paced digital world, it can be quite difficult to find time in our schedules for family activities. Playing pool adds that element of entertainment you just can’t get anywhere else.
Decorated for fun, a pool room with a beautiful new or antique billiard table will soon become a social center and an entertainment room for everyone in your family – no matter what the occasion, or what the weather is doing outside.
How to Care For Your Vintage Pool Table
To keep your table in mint condition you should take good care of it. Pool balls should be regularly cleansed with a soft dry cloth. The cloth can be cleaned with dry fabric cleaner in a spray or powder form.
- Keep the table clean and covered when not in use;
- Don’t allow food or drink near it and keep junk off the rails
- Avoid using talc and don’t chalk your cue over the table
- Brush or vacuum your table regularly, then clean the rails with a damp cloth
- Wash the balls regularly with mild soap and water
- Don’t let people sit on the rails – it could cause the cushions to come loose
Models of Brunswick Vintage Tables
Since so many people today opt for vintage Brunswick tables, we’ve decided to showcase 15 of their most stunning models.
Daydream and Enjoy!
15 Select Models of Vintage Tables by Brunswick:
Brilliant Novelty
Kling 4 Leg
St Bernard
Union League
In the following pages, you’ll find photos and the original descriptions from the Brunswick Balke Collender catalog, detailing each one.

This table is furnished as a carom, or pool, or both combined.
In this era of severe and critical taste in house decoration, many turn from the very ornamental to the plainer and graver styles of furniture. To meet this demand, we have produced the Amaranth, a billiard table with no ornamental inlay except a little upon the head blocks and legs, to relieve the otherwise monotonous appearances of the long, narrow sides of the modern beveled table.
The frame is of ash and Amaranth panels marked out with moldings. The effect is very rich and the table finds great favor with people whose ideas of correct taste are considered standard. It is a high class piece of cabinet work and we recommend it for fine private parlors.
Pool tables with ivory pool balls instead of Hyatt are $50 extra to the prices below:
Carom, 4×8′, $275. 4 1/2′ x 9′, $300.
Pool, 4×8′, $300. 4 1/2′ x 9′, $325.
Combination, 4 x 8′, $350. 4 1/2′ x 9′, $375.

Using specially selected woods, Brunswick master craftsmen made the Anniversary rich looking as well as thoroughly practical. Its beautiful walnut finish is smartly accented by the off-white of the corner castings and aprons grooves.
The photo shown here is a vintage Anniversary model we previously restored.

1916 Billiard Products Catalogue – Page 62
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company
Design Patent Awarded May 7, 1912
The Brunswick “Baby Grand” Home Table, carom and pocket billiard, genuine mahogany, inlaid design, richly finished.
These home size tables belong to the “royal family” of billiard tables. They are worthy productions of the “House of Brunswick” and are daily adding new luster to its name. Made of the finest, thoroughly seasoned mahogany, beautiful in design and very richly finished.
This rare and beautiful wood possesses the extreme durability so desirable for the finest class of cabinet work. Mahogany lasts for generations. Age serves but to enhance its richness and beauty. We are among the largest buyers of Mahogany in the world.
We operate nine factories in various cities. Our immense manufacturing facilities, great buying power, and vast output, enable us to sell these magnificent tables at extraordinarily low prices.
The cue rack and accessory drawer of Brunswick’s Baby Grand Carom and Pocket Billiard Table is a great convenience. Keeps everything right at hand and in perfect condition. The drawer is constructed so as to be invisible.
All Brunswick home carom and pocket billiard tables are fitted with Monarch Quick-Acting cushions. These celebrated cushions are the same quality as used on our standard size tables. They are guaranteed as to accuracy, speed and durability.

This Antique Centennial Pool Table draws back the curtain on opportunity unequalled in the history of the billiard business. Outstandingly beautiful as an example of modern design, the Antique Centennial also makes full use of modern materials. Featuring handsomely finished, mar-resistant aluminum aprons and leg basing, the Centennial Table retains a touch of traditional elegance in the rich rosewood finish of its exposed woods.
Its massively constructed hardwood frame rests on two oval-shaped plywood legs designed for maximum strength and rigidity. Other play stimulating refinements of the Centennial are a convenient ball storage rack, specially designed leather pockets, molded pocket pads, sloping apron design and handy bridge rack.

page 14
Brunswick, Balke And Collender Company
Original Construction of this table:
All wood parts are of heavy compound construction from specially selected and scientifically dried lumber, veneered on both sides with a cross veneer of alternating grain and faced with the very best quality highly figured Butt Walnut veneer.
Top molding is built up of compound construction with a dimension of 8×3 3/8″ and faced with cross veneer and butt walnut.
Legs are of extra heavy quality lumber, perfect solidity being attained by means of double veneering inside and outside.
Further rigidity obtained by glue blocks in all corners. Legs faced with best quality Butt Walnut to match sides. Rigidity of whole table and extra bearing surface for slate furnished by double cross stretchers running crosswise and lengthwise of the table. Sides fastened into legs with maple dowels and heavy iron bolts keep table absolutely rigid.
Whole table constructed in most thorough and careful manner, representing the highest achievement in the cabinet maker’s art.
Wood used in the construction of the Conqueror is beautifully figured Butt Walnut, inlaid with Satinwood, Ebony, and vari-colored marquetry lines.
Slate Bed:
Consists of three pieces of the best quality slate of regulation 1″ thickness, with all joints secured by brass dowels and sockets. Playing surface is entirely free from screw holes. If desired, slate bed of 1 1/2″ thickness can be furnished
Cushion Rails:
The cushion rails, which are one of the most vital parts of the table, are made up of a 3-ply body, consisting of three layers of woods of alternating grain glued together to insure the rails against climatic changes. The center layer of these plies is hard maple, the most suitable wood for holding cushion bolts firmly in place.
The body of the rail is covered with a rail cap of compound construction faced with solid Rosewood. The rails are securely fastened to the table with invisible cushion bolts. These bolts are covered with blind cushion rail facing built up of 5-ply compound construction faced with specially selected high grade Walnut veneer inlaid with Satinwood, Ebony and vari-colored marquetry lines.
The Conqueror table can be equipped with any style Monarch perfect angle cushion.
Pocket Irons:
The pocket irons are No. 6 style, countersunk in the ends of the cushion rails by means of brass sockets.

This table is entirely new in design and construction, and has been deservedly pronounced one of the most beautiful billiard tables ever produced.
Its special advantages are numerous, the principal one being the thickness of the frame on which the slate bed rests. It is no less than seven inches thick, and embodies great strength and solidity with a graceful form.
The carved work is highly artistic, chaste and rich, and everything about the table indicates the very perfection of good taste and elegance. The body has a cove form, with brackets at each corner and corrugated moldings on the frame and in center of legs. There are many who prefer the Jewel to any other table manufactured by our firm.
Furnished either as a carrom or pool table or both combined. All combination tables have our patent adjustable carrom plugs, with iron fastenings.
All tables are fitted with Vermont slate bed from our own quarries, imported Simonis cloth, and the incomparable Monarch cushions.
The legs, besides being joined with wooden dowels, are fastened with a large iron bolt passing through the entire length of the leg to the top of the head block, thus insuring positive solidity.

This magnificent design marks a new era in the highest class of billiard table construction and ornamentation. It carries a suggestion of the classic Greek and ancient Egyptian, touching a period when the Oriental splendor bid fair to outrival the more classic tones and studied effects characterizing the era when Athens claimed the right to school the world in literature and art.
The severely plain in furniture is now giving way to the lighter and more artistic coloring effects of inlaid decoration.
Available also in a combination style. Manufactured under various patents granted from 1900 to 1916.
Wood and Finish:
Mahogany, rubbed and polished. After being given the ordinary cabinet finish it is hand rubbed to a dull polish. White and black holly and pearl inlay.
The table has what is known in our factory as the Jumbo framework, which means that it is unusually heavy and substantial. Top molding 8 1/2″ x 3 3/8″, sub-frame; 1 3/4″ x 12 3/4″, total frame: 16 1/8″. The ornamental blocks have a projection of 5 7/8″ x 4 7/8″ and 3″ thick. The sides are compound construction, being tongued and grooved and glued, the exterior being reinforced with 3-ply veneer placed in an alternate run of grain, cross veneered on inside. Cross stretchers 1 3/4″ thick x 9″ bolted to a 1 3/4″ x 12 3/4″ x 16 1/2″ reinforcing blocks, making a rigid bridge work. End stretchers 1 3/4″ thick x 5 1/2″. Legs 12″ square at bottom x 9″ at top, capped by 3 3/8″ thick x 5 : square block, bringing them flush with top of frame, to which they are secured by bolts and screws.
They are built up in compound construction, tongued and grooved, doweled and reinforced by corner blocks, double cross veneered inside and outside and rigidly built into end frame work of body. The wood construction is all of the very best quality, cabinet made and put together in a most thorough manner. All joints made close and secure and all mitres absolutely accurate. Glued up joints are tongued and grooved, strongly doweled and glued firmly together. All corners and edges made perfectly smooth and true.
Cushion Rails:
Compound construction 3 3/8″ x 1 3/4″ with facing 4 1/8″ x 2 1/4″ thick, built up of various kinds of hardwoods of different grain to insure strength and prevent its being affected by climatic conditions. Invisible cushion bolts covered by what is known as blind cushion rails, built up in 6-ply material placed in an alternate run of grain with fancy figured veneer on the exterior. Inlaid with white and black holly. Cap rails 7/8″ x 2 3/4″ . Rosewood 1 4/” thick. Solid Rosewood corners. Ivory diamond sights. Inlaid metal fancy name plate. Eight rail bolts one each side and 4 on each end of 4 1/2 x 9′ table and 10 rail bolts on each side and 5 on each end of x 10′ table.
Slate Bed:
Best quality Vermont slate, 3 pieces to the set. The joints secured with brass dowels and sockets. No screw holes on playing surface. Regulation slate 1″ thick. Reinforced with wood frame. Can be furnished special when so ordered 1 1/2″ thick. Hardwood trim at pocket opening.
The cushions furnished with this table, unless otherwise specified, are our celebrated No. 1845 Match Game perfect angle. These are made in our own rubber factory at Muskegon, Michigan from a secret formula which is used exclusively by us. Our guarantee as to their accuracy of angle, speed and durability is evidenced by the name plate countersunk in the top of the cushion rail.
The pocket irons are the No. 6 style which are countersunk in the ends of the cushion rails by means of a brass socket. Black cover leathers reinforced at point of contact giving extra durability. Best quality red trimming leather and green fringe. No. 10 first grade green worsted pocket nets

1928 Brunswick Billiard and Bowling Catalog, page 16
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company
Built with heavy 5-ply compound sides on which is superimposed top molding of 6 x 3 3/8″ specially selected and scientifically kiln-dried lumber, tongued, grooved, and glued. Legs and double strength glued and veneered stock.
Rigidity is secured by fastening the solidly constructed sides into the leg with maple dowels and bolts of heavy metal and still further rigidity is assured by means of cross stretchers extending from side to side and end to end of table.
The wood surface of The Medalist is handsomely figured Butt Walnut with fancy inlay, and hand rubbed to a dull finish.
Slate Bed:
Consists of three pieces of the best quality slate of regulation 1″ thickness, with all joints secured by brass dowels and sockets. Playing surface is entirely free from screw holes. If desired, slate bed of 1 1/2″ thickness can be furnished
Cushion Rails:
The cushion rails of The Medalist table are made up of a 3-ply body consisting of three layers of woods of alternating grain glued together to insure the rails against climatic changes. The center layer of these plies is hard maple. The center layer of these plies is hard maple. This is the layer through which the cushion bolts are placed, and maple is used because it holds the bolts firmly in place.
The tops of the rails are covered with a rail cap of compound construction faced with solid Rosewood. The rails are securely fastened to the table with invisible cushion bolts. These bolts are covered with blind cushion rail facing built up of 5-ply compound construction faced with specially selected high grade Butt Walnut veneer with fancy inlay.
The Medalist table can be equipped with any style Monarch perfect angle cushion.
Pocket Irons:
The pocket irons are No. 6 style, countersunk in the ends of the cushion rails by means of brass sockets.
Brunswick Moderne
circa 1937-1946

From The Original Brunswick Catalog:
Master Craftsmanship and Styling
Master craftsmanship and styling make the Moderne a supreme achievement in a medium-priced table. For the room owner who stresses the streamlined note, the Moderne, with its up-to-the-minute styling is sure to prove an unexcelled profit builder. Its smooth flowing curves were designed to combine attractiveness with utmost utility.
Firm Support and Good Looks
Your players will like the firm support and good looks of the four tear-drop-shaped legs. They’ll find the fresh look of the bleached mahogany finish stimulating. Molded pocket pads are set in natural finish aluminum corner castings. And the bridge rack and roomy ball rack have their own appeal in eliminating tiresome blending.
100 Years of Brunswick Craftsmanship and Styling
Notice too, how the legs of the Moderne are set back out of the player’s way. Imagine the playing comfort those smartly sloped aprons will bring to your customers. You’ll like the Moderne. Over 100 years of Brunswick experience stand behind its craftsmanship and styling.

A standard design which secured gold medal award at the Paris Exposition. Simple, but a perfect model.
Manufactured under 18 construction patents awarded from 1892 to 1905.
Furnished only in Quarter Sawed Golden Oak, in billiard, pool or combination. The construction is strictly first quality. The legs are secured to the framework with wooden dowels, reinforced with long iron bolts passing through the entire length of the leg to the top of the head-block, thus obtaining positive solidity.
The slate bed is best quality Vermont one inch thick, the sections being joined with brass dowels and sockets, entirely eliminating screw holes in the slate bed–the method used in tables by other manufacture.
The cushions are the celebrated quick acting Monarch, guaranteed the most perfect angle cushion in the world. Used by all professional players in America and Europe.
The cushion rails are of extra heavy construction and firmly bolted to the slate bed. The cushion rail tops are veneered with rosewood, which does not change color, cannot be easily disfigured and does not have the objectionable features of a polished surface.
This design will never become commonplace. Its lasting popularity is in its simplicity and perfect proportions. It has been said that the fraction of an inch either way in the length of Cleopatra’s nose would have changed the destiny of empires.
Correct proportion is the first essential in all things pleasing to the eye regardless of whether it be a woman’s face or an article of furniture. As in speech, all rules must give way to euphony, so it is that correct proportion holds the place supreme in all shapes that the eye favors.
This rule pertains to a marked degree in the Narragansett billiard table. We attribute to the fact that our steadfastly adhering to the exact lines of the original model the favor which this table has held for many years.
From the 1904 Brunswick Balke Collender Co. Catalog, page 16:
Extensively used in some of the finest clubs, hotels and billiard halls in the United States.
In this era of severe and critical taste in house decoration, many turn from the very ornamental to the plainer styles of furniture. To meet this demand we have produced the Narragansett. The table finds great favor with people whose ideas of correct taste are considered standard.
It was the design of table manufactured by us that received the award of first medal for excellence at the Paris Exposition, when in competition with like goods from all parts of the world. While nothing of a florid character has been attempted in this design, still the table is one which has an inherent beauty peculiar to its own individuality. The clear polished woodwork of the sides and the head and foot of the table is tastefully relieved by vertical moldings at each head block.
The legs, besides being jointed with wooden dowels, are fastened with along iron bolt passing through the entire length of the leg to the top of the head block, thus ensuring positive solidity. All tables are fitted with Vermont slate beds from our own quarries, imported Simonis cloth and the incomparable patent Monarch cushions.

Absolute perfection in the manufacture of billiard and pool tables has been attained in the production of our Pfister style of tables with six legs. In many essential features the improvements embodied in this table are very marked and add considerably to the enjoyment of this, the greatest of all indoor games or amusements.
In the construction of these tables nothing is left undone that could possibly be of any benefit in producing a perfect billiard table. They are, when so ordered, fitted with extra heavy slate, 1 1/2″ thick, doweled. This does away with the screw holes on the surface of the bed such as is found in the case of tables fitted with slates not doweled.
The frame work or body of the table is made extra heavy and strong, as are also the cushion rails. Additional bolts in the rails aid in keeping them firm and rigid. These improvements, in conjunction with the six legs with which the tables are fitted, combine in producing an exceptionally solid and substantial billiard table.
Players obtain better results on tables of this construction than those of ordinary make.
The outfit we furnish with these tables, such as cushions, cloth, balls, cues, etc., is naturally the very best the markets of the world afford. We make these tables in Antique Oak as well as in Mahogany, but they can be made of any wood to suit the taste of the purchaser.
Furnished in either carom or pool or as both combined in what is termed combination. Carried in stock in 5×10 only, but can be made to order in a larger size for the English games, if desired.

Carom, Pocket or Combination
One of our new styles of billiard tables on which we have secured design patent because of originality and simplicity. It is a good medium grade of table that will certainly be very popular.
Stock Sizes: 4 ½ x 9, 5 x 10
Wood and Finish:
Furnished in either Quarter-sawed oak or handsomely finished mahogany. The oak is finished in our #6 medium or golden color and the mahogany in our regular No. 2 stock color, rubbed and polished finish, which means that after being given the ordinary cabinet finish it is hand-rubbed to a dull polish. This can be kept clean more readily than any other finish.
The massive body of this table is what is known in our factory as the Jumbo frame work, which means that it has unusual strength and great durability. Top molding 5 in. x 3 3/8 in., subframe 2 ¾ in. at top, 1 ½ in. at bottom x 10 ¼ in.; total frame 14 in. The frame work of this body is built up in what is technically known as compound construction-that is, various kinds of woods tongued and grooved together and double cross veneered on the outside and inside, the outer veneer being handsomely figured in oak or mahogany.
This table is made in sections and can be taken apart for shipment. Reinforcing blocks at side intersections 5 in. wide x 2 in. thick x 11½ in., secured to end section by ½ in. iron frame bolt reinforced by hardwood dowels. Legs 10½ in. square at base, tapering to 9½ in. at capital. Double cross stretchers 41 inches x 1 ¼ in. thick x 6½ in., braced into reinforcing block.
Legs are built up of compound construction, tongued and grooved, doweled and reinforced by corner blocks, double cross veneered, inside and out, and rigidly built into end frame work of body. Leg cap 6 in. square x 3 1/8 in.
The wood construction is all of the very best quality, cabinet made and put together in a most thorough manner. All joints tongued and grooved, strongly doweled and glued firmly together. All mitres absolutely accurate. All corners and edges made perfectly smooth and true.
Cushion Rails:
Compound construction 5 x 1 ¾ inches thick, with facing 4 1/8 in x 2 ¼ inches, built up of various kinds of hardwoods of different grain to give strength and prevent its being affected by climatic changes. Invisible cushion bolts covered by what is known as Blind Cushion Rails, made in 5-ply thicknesses of material placed in an alternate run of grain with fancy figured veneer on the exterior. Cap rails 7/8″ thick x 2 7/8″.
Rosewood top ¼” thick. Solid rosewood corners. Pearl sights. Inlaid metal fancy name plate, 8 rail bolts on each side and 4 on each end of 4 ½ x 9 table, and 10 rail bolts on each side and 5 on each end of 5 x 10 table.
Slate Bed:
Bet quality Vermont slate, three pieces to the set. All joints secured with three brass dowels and sockets. No screw holes on playing surface. Regulation slate 1″ thick. When so ordered, can be furnished with slate 1 ½” thick, 1″ slate, 1 1/8″ reinforced wood frame; 1 ½” slate, 1 ¾” reinforced wood frame.
This table can be furnished with any style Monarch perfect angle cushions.
Pocket Irons: The pocket irons are our No. 6 style, which are countersunk in the ends of the cushion rails by means of brass sockets.
Playing Equipment:
The playing equipment furnished with the Regina is as ordered.

Produced under 18 construction patents awarded from 1892 to 1905.
All world’s records of high scores eclipsed on this superb table which was used in the memorable All-Star tournament held in Chicago, May 7-12, 1906, when William Hoppe set a new mark at 18′ balk line (2 shots in) with the unprecedented run of 307.
The largest billiard room in the world, Pittsburgh, Pa., has 54 of these tables and 27 of our Saratoga style, making a total of 81 billiard and pool tables. For the 1 1/2″ slate version, the weight increases to 2100 pounds.
The construction and finish of this table is a marked departure from the conventional styles of billiard and pool tables. The design is a modernized Old Mission, which by reason of its essential features of heavy structural work and plain surfaces is superbly adapted to billiard and pool table purposes.
It embodies to an unusual degree graceful and substantial beauty which will appeal to the room keeper or householder who wants a magnificent billiard table which shows its high quality.
The slate bed is best quality Vermont one in thick, the sections being joined with brass dowels and sockets. No screw holes on the playing surface. Can be furnished with slate 1/2″ in thickness where desired, at a small advance in cost.
The cushions are the celebrated quick acting Monarch, guaranteed the most perfect angle cushion in the world. Used by all professional players in America and Europe.
The cushion rails are of extra heavy construction and firmly bolted to the slate bed. In all of our high grade tables, what is termed a “blind cushion rail” is made use of, that is the bolts holding the cushion rails to the slate bed are concealed by woodwork. This eliminates the cheap appearing ornamental bolt caps and gives greater weight to the cushion rail, which means better results from the cushions. The cushion rail tops are veneered with rosewood, which does not change color, cannot be easily disfigured with lighted cigars and does not have the objectionable feature of a varnish finish.
Players obtain better results on tables of this construction than those of ordinary make. The outfit we furnish with these, such as cloth, balls, cues, etc., etc., is naturally the very best the markets of the world afford. We make these tables in Mission Oak, but they can be furnished in any color of oak to suit the taste of the purchaser.
Furnished as either carom or pool or both combined in what is termed combination. Carried in stock in 5×10 only, but can be made to order in 4 1/2′ x 9′ or 6’x12′ sizes if desired. Framework built in sections that can be taken apart for shipment. Corner joints reinforced by heavy iron bolts.

Few billiard tables present such an artistic appearance as the Improved Union League. The legs are handsomely fluted and turned, with square caps and Egyptian moldings. Charming reliefs on the sides, at the union with the head blocks, and moldings running along the sides form a capital foil to the polished woodwork.
Elegantly designed friezes in the prevailing Egyptian style completes the decorative part of the table and gives it a splendid finish.
The entire workmanship shown in the Improved Union League is of the highest order of merit and the table has met with the greatest appreciation in all parts of the country. It is perfectly constructed and thoroughly first-class in all its appointments.
The head blocks that are features of our tables, are of special construction covered by letters patent, and are superior to those in use in all other tables. It is this very superiority of design and construction which prompts so many o copy our productions. They fail, however, to equal our tables wither in mechanical construction, finish or material, and their inferiority is easily discerned upon examination.
Furnished either as a carrom or pool table or both combined. All combination tables have our patent adjustable carrom plugs, with iron fastenings. Carried in stock in 4×8, 4 ½x9, and 5×10 sizes.
All tables are fitted with Vermont slate bed from our own quarries, imported Simonis cloth, and the incomparable Monarch cushions.
The legs, besides being joined with wooden dowels, are fastened with a large iron bolt passing through the entire length of the leg to the top of the head block, thus insuring positive solidity.

Manufactured under 18 construction patents awarded from 1982 to 1905.
Available in carom, six pocket or combination.
Available in a combination version:
Note: Combination billiard and pool tables have patent Monarch Pocket Stops.
A leader of recent production that has firmly established itself in public favor.
Our make of billiard and pool tables have found favor with billiard players throughout the world during the past sixty years for the reason that we have spared neither pains nor expense to make them of a superior construction and finish in all essential details. Even our medium priced tables, it may be observed, have a character of design which puts them in the lead of all others.
The “Wellington” is one of our latest productions. The design is strikingly plain and the beauty of the table is the handsomely figured flat surface veneer work which brings out the harmonious colorings of the wood, producing the best possible effect. The table is of medium weight but is thoroughly substantial and well built. The slate bed is of the very best Vermont. Furnished with Monarch quick cushions.
The table is, in short, one that is calculated to serve every purpose of the medium grade of billiard room.
Nashville Billiard & Patio

Nashville Billiard & Patio
Owned & Operated by the Gilchrist Family
Since 1953
But actually, the business got its start back in the late ‘40’s…
That’s when Ray Gilchrist (the Patriarch of the Gilchrist family) worked at the Saunier Wilhelm pool table manufacturing plant in Alabama. It was there that he learned all about pool tables.

The table above was made at the Saunier Wilhelm plant, circa 1930’s. It was originally
used in a bar and has a coin box, which has been disabled for home use.

Ray Gilchrist moved to Nashville TN in the 1950’s, and worked a full time day job. But he travelled to small towns over the weekend, providing a much-needed service to the local pool rooms. Ray re-covered (aka ‘re-felted’) used pool tables for these establishments, and provided other necessary small repairs. That’s how he started “Ray’s Billiard Service”.
The company started selling pool tables, then added pool accessories, then added other game tables, game room furniture and equipment. It has grown and grown over the years, moving around to several locations, including Brentwood, until settling in its current home in 1980 as “Nashville Billiards”.
Making Customers Happy
The Gilchrists still honor their ‘family values’ roots, which means that the customer is always #1!
The Brothers have worked well together over the years, overseeing all the changes, and keeping up with the game room interests of customers and their families. Outdoor Patio Furniture was added in 2014, and quite appropriately, they changed the name to Nashville Billiard & Patio

Outdoor Patio Furniture now occupies a great deal of their newly-expanded showroom, located in the Melrose area, convenient to neighboring Brentwood, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Hermitage, Green Hills, Rivergate, Gallatin and Hendersonville, all just minutes away.
Nashville Billiard & Patio
927 8th Avenue S.
Nashville TN 37203
(615) 254-7882
New showroom space, new choices
Today, with the recent addition of Outdoor Pool Tables, Outdoor Shuffleboard Tables, Outdoor Ping Pong Tables, (aka Outdoor Table Tennis), Outdoor Foosball Tables as well as many, many other home entertainment furnishings and accessories, Nashville Billiard & Patio is known as THE SUPERSTORE for FAMILY FUN!
Enjoy a BIG selection of Billiards
New Pool Tables, Pool Accessories, Antique Pool Tables, Pool Table Felts; Patio and Outdoor Patio Furniture, Patio Dining Sets, Outdoor Chaise, Bench, Swing, Outdoor Deep Seating, Home Theater Seating, Kitchen Counter Stools & Barstools, Games and Game Tables, Spectator Chairs, Pub Tables and Chairs, Poker Tables, Shuffleboard Tables, Arcade Machines & Pinball Machines, Ping Pong Tables, Foosball Tables, Air Hockey, Darts, Dartboards and accessories, Pool Cues, and SO MUCH MORE!
BIG savings!
There’s always a Special Offer, Sale, Discount, or possibly a Clearance in progress. Browse the website or call us – We WON’T be undersold!
White Glove Customer Service – Every Time!
The Gilchrist family will personally see that you get great service – even after the sale. So stop by our showroom – still at the 927 8th Avenue South expanded showroom location.